In Vitro and Clinical Evaluation of Cannabigerol (CBG) Produced via Yeast Biosynthesis: A Cannabinoid with a Broad Range of Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Health-Boosting Properties

Perez, Fernandez, Jose R., Fitzgerald, Rouzard, Tamura, Savile, Eduardo Perez, Jose R. Fernandez, Corey Fitzgerald

The first clinical study was a small, proof-of-concept 11-subject study, where a 3%extract was found to significantly reduce sebum and erythema better than vehicle, suggesting CBD could be helpful for dry skin and acne [ 5 ]. To determine if CBG and CBD’s antioxidant activity extended to a cell-based model, we tested their ability to scavenge free radicals in HDFs induced with H. Our results show that both CBG and CBD significantly inhibit intracellular free radical formation with an IC= 0.003 nM, which was ~1800-fold more potent than ascorbic acid (IC= 5.6 nM) ( Table 1 ). Lastly, CBG was found to significantly upregulate interleukin-10 (IL-10), a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine [ 22 ], by 2.9-fold while CBD had no significant effect ( Figure 1 b). CBG’s effective in vitro anti-inflammatory profile and clinical effectiveness in reducing SLS-induced redness when applied to human skin suggests it can be an effective ingredient to use in several inflammatory skin conditions. Moreover, CBD, CBG, and other cannabinoids demonstrate anti-inflammatory activity in skin cells versus several different inducers [ 2 ].

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