Effects of Cannabidiol on Exercise Physiology and Bioenergetics: A Randomised Controlled Pilot Trial - Sports Medicine - Open

Sahinovic, Lambert Initiative For Cannabinoid Therapeutics, The University Of Sydney, Sydney, Brain, Mind Centre, School Of Psychology, Faculty Of Science, Irwin, School Of Health Sciences

Study Design Participants completed two treatment sessions involving the oral administration of CBD (300 mg) or a placebo in a randomised, double-blind, crossover design. Each session involved seven consecutive blocks of testing: Baseline (pre-treatment), Pre-RUN 1 (+ 60–90 min post-treatment), RUN 1 (+ 90–150 min), Post-RUN 1 (+ 155–170 min), RUN 2 (+ 180– approx. Participants were not permitted to consume fluid during exercise but received up to 500 mL of water on completion of the Post-RUN 1 and 2 assessments; again, individual intakes were recorded and replicated across sessions. Respiratory gases were sampled continuously between 24–32 (24 EX ), 37–45 (37 EX ) and 50–58 (50 EX ) min of exercise. Respiratory gases were sampled during the final ~ 5 min of exercise (i.e. from the point at which HR exceeded ~ 90% HR max , as determined during the initial V̇O 2max test).

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